
some recent Papiamentu news headlines

Siudadano ta indiká ku el a mira maleta yená ku wesu.

Por risibi booster shòt 6 luna despues di a risibi di dos bakuna.

Desmond Tutu símbolo di lucha kontra apartheid na Sur Afrika a fayesé.


Citizen indicates that he/she saw a suitcase filled with bones.

(Anyone) can receive a booster shot six months after receiving the second vaccine.

Desmond Tutu, symbol of the fight against apartheid in South Africa, has died.

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Papiamento / Papiamentu word for "solstice"

Over in Papiaments voor Dummies someone asked, what’s the word for ‘solstice’? Peter-John de Jong said he uses solstisio from the Spanish word solsticio and the Latin word solsticium. Felis solstisio!